Be The Power 2019

The power of NAWIC surged through all that attended the Annual Conference this August in Atlanta. We learned to be that power and be the change for ourselves and our organizations.
The construction zone was posted up all conference long with women working to provide educational pop-ups and NAWIC information to conference attendees. No one wanted to miss out on the NEF Raffles table!
Keynote Speaker, Major MJ Heger, Recipient of Purple Heart and second women in history to earn a Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor spoke about her dramatic fight in Afghanistan and her continued fight on the home front for women in Combat. Learn more about her and her story in her book, Shoot like a Girl.

There was a great line up of educational sessions; Doreen Bartoldus got into detail about how we build and the “art” of construction management. It’s important to develop a project management plan, which is how the project will be planned, executed, monitored, controlled, and closed. While Peggy Newquist discussed unconscious and importance of diversity and the importance of being aware of your own bias as they can create unnecessary conflicts. “Flip it to test it” and know the difference between likability vs capable. After that, Angela Highland called construction the “conflict industry.” We each spend roughly 2.8 hours a week on conflicts. We deal with conflict on daily basis, but it’s important to work through conflicts by first understanding your own conflict style and being aware of those you are interacting with. What are you?

It was a busy conference with much to learn, but it wouldn't be a NAWIC conference, with the annual Gala. Our immediate National Past President Dove Sifers-Putman handed over the gavel to our new President Diane Mike and we welcomed the new Board of Directors with a Glow Power Party!
Judaline Cassidy ended the conference with a keynote that reinforced the importance of diversity and inclusion. As the first women accepted into the Staten Island New York plumbers union and the founder of the nonprofit Tools & Tiaras Inc, she spoke about our role in exposing, mentoring, and inspiring the future of construction.
We left inspired, powered, and ready to pave the way for the future - Join us next year in Houston, TX for the next Annual Conference on August 12th - 15th.