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Spotlight On…Dianjenis Abreu, Moriarty Scholarship Recipient

Meet Dianjenis Abreu, recipient of the Moriarty Scholarship. Get to know Dianjenis…

Name: Dianjenis Abreu

Hometown: Lynn, MA

School: Graduated from Lynn Classical High School and will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hobbies: I love reading, spending time with my friends and family, and I catch myself, many times, binge watching shows on Netflix (my favorites are The Office and Friends!).

Favorite Food: I'm Hispanic so any food from any Hispanic/Latin country is basically my favorite.

Fun Fact About You: One fun fact about me and probably one of my favorites is that I am, ethnically, half Puerto Rican and half Dominican. I am so proud to be both and to be able to speak my parents native language, Spanish!

Favorite Quote: "There was a whole magnificent soul burning brightly behind her shy" -Atticus

What is your dream job/career: I'm still not entirely sure what my dream career or job is but I do know that I want to help people. My goal is to find a way to do that through my ECE major and through my years at WPI!

Why/inspiration for your dream job/career: My inspiration is my parents, they've worked so hard their entire lives to assure that their children will have a great future, one full of many adventures. I look up to them so much that I want to show them that all their hard work did not and does not go unnoticed! My goals and inspirations are basically the same, I am inspired by the idea of helping others and creating a better future, not only for those closest to me but to all those who need it!

Keep an eye out for one more blog post on our fourth and final scholarship recipient!

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