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Board of Directors - Sandra Gucciardi

Name: Sandra Gucciardi

Company you work at: MovePlan

Job Title: Business Development Director

NAWIC Board Role: Board member and PR Committee member

Member of NAWIC since: 2015

What do you like the most about your job?

My job is really about connecting, educating and communicating to folks what and who MovePlan is. I love when my business relationships turn into friendships. I have been fortunate to have met so many folks and value those relationships.

What advise would you give to anyone thinking about also working in this role?

Be YOURSELF! Be AUTHENTIC. Nobody wants to be sold to. Listen to a potential client’s problem then offer a solution. That’s the SALE!

What has been your favorite project so far?

Coordination of museum collections. Fun stuff!

Are there any other people in your family in construction?


Why did you join NAWIC?

To support & get involved with more women in our industry.

What is your favorite part about being a NAWIC Member?


What would you tell anyone who is thinking about joining NAWIC?

Do it! You’ll develop wonderful and sustaining friendships in your industry.

What do you hope to achieve being on the 2017-2018 Board?

Anything and everything is possible!

What are your hobbies/interests?

Run, cook, concerts, side businesses.

If you could go to one concert tomorrow who would you see?

Fleetwood Mac (I’m old :) )

If you could meet any fictional character who would it be and why?

Harry Potter. I’m obsessed.

Fleetwood Mac.

What fictional place would you like to go the most?

Hogwarts. Obvious answer!

Harry Potter.

What is your favorite food?

I’m a foodie. Too hard to answer.

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