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Board of Directors - Ximena Cruz

Name: Ximena Cruz

Company you work at: Bond Brothers

Job Title: Project Engineer

NAWIC Board Role: Director – Head of PR Committee

Member of NAWIC since: 2015

What do you like the most about your job? I like being on-site for every project and being able to walk out and see what the drawings I am reviewing translate into the real construction. I learn a lot that way. I love working with different teams and learning from so many smart and experienced people around me.

What has been your favorite project so far?

One of my favorite projects so far was working on the Dana Farber Vivarium space. I loved the thought that I was helping build a facility that will hopefully one day, through all the research will find a cure for Cancer.

Are there any other people in your family in construction?

Both of my parents are architects in Guatemala so I have grown up looking at construction documents and visiting construction sites.

If you could have worked on any structure/building in the world in any capacity which one would it be?

I would loved to have worked in the Centro Cultural Miguel Angel Asturias (Cultural Center Miguel Angel Asturias) that includes the National Theater in Guatemala. This building besides being incredible is also very special to me because I grew up performing in that theater when I danced ballet and later Flamenco. Running around backstage was always an adrenaline rush mixed with magic.

National Theater Miguel Angel Asturias.

If you were not working in the construction industry what would you like to work in?

I have a LOT of interests in my life and a lot of different dreams! One of them is that I would love to own a café one day. I would also like to be a writer of some sort, like poetry, music writing or to one day write a book. Finally I think I would enjoy to do event planning, like weddings, company holiday parties, summer events, etc. I love decorating AND parties so I think I would be good at it.

Why did you join NAWIC?

I wanted to meet new people and more women in construction. After attending my first NAWIC event and meeting a lot of genuinely welcoming and inspiring women I knew I had to join.

What is your favorite part about being a NAWIC Member?

The great friendships I have been able to make with people I have met through NAWIC. I know some of those friendships will truly be forever and that is priceless.

What would you tell anyone who is thinking about joining NAWIC?

You should! We are all very fun, we love to help, we love to meet new people and have new friends! You will gain a lot of connections in the industry as well as some great friendships.

What has been your favorite NAWIC Event so far?

I have to say that my favorite event every year are the Northeast Forums in the Fall and Spring. I have made so many new friends from all over the Northeast! Those events are like a big family reunion where everyone gets to talk about where they are in life, we motivate each other, inspire each other and have incredible fun together. Everyone should attend one of these! I must say I haven’t attended AMEC yet but are looking forward to going next year because I hear its like our Forums except WAY bigger so I cannot wait!!

What do you hope to achieve being on the 2017-2018 Board?

I hope that we can bring more awareness about NAWIC and the wonderful things it offers to Women in Construction. I also hope that we can continue to grow NAWIC Boston and that we have a lot of great and successful events this year.

If you could star in any movie what would that be?

Jurassic Park. I love those movies.

What fictional place would you like to go the most?

I want to go to Rivendell from the Lord of the Rings series by JRR Tolkien. I love those books and movies. (I am so amazed by how writers create this entire new world with even its own language!) Rivendell sounds incredible and looks so incredibly beautiful in the movies! I would love to learn Elvish language and move there.

Rivendell from the Lord of the Rings series by JRR Tolkien.

What is your favorite place on Earth?

Anyplace I am with my family, this includes my adoptive families in Boston, friends and of course my dog Asterix, so pretty much with all the people that I love dearly

What is your favorite food?

Food. Eating makes me very happy.

If you had unlimited funds to build a house what would the finish house be like and where would it be?

I have probably designed 20 different versions of what

my “dream house” would be but the overall design always includes: rustic wood beams, wood floors, large windows an amazing kitchen and a beautiful fireplace. A large back yard for my future dogs and hosting parties. I love hosting so my ideal house would be great for entertaining.

How do you unwind after a long day of work?

Talking on the phone with my family, meeting with a friend for dinner, watching Netflix or putting on Latin music and dancing around my apt.

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